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Three Home Features Expected To Be In Demand After COVID-19

3 Home Features Expected To Be In Demand After COVID-19

When COVID-related stay at home orders and restrictions hit the US in March, many buyers put their home search on hold. But as those orders and restrictions are being lifted, a good portion of those buyers are reentering the market.

Which brings up the question: what, exactly, are those buyers going to be looking for as we move through—and, eventually, out of—this pandemic?

recent survey from HomeLight, which polled real estate agents seven times between April and June, asked agents what they believed would be the most desirable or important features, characteristics, or amenities for buyers in the post-COVID-19 era—and, given what the country just went through in quarantine, the answers make sense. Some of the most popular responses include:

  • Designated home office (17 percent). COVID has pushed more companies towards a remote work model—which means more people than ever are working from home. Having a designated home office space is poised to be one of the most in-demand home features for buyers who are now working remotely.
  • Suburban or less dense location (16 percent). After a pandemic, expect many buyers to look to get out of the cities and into areas where it’s easier to get space—like the suburbs.
  • Private and spacious outdoor area (15 percent). COVID had many people stuck at home for months—and for many people without a yard, patio, or outdoor space, the lack of outdoor access made the experience more challenging. Expect even more demand moving forward for spacious (and private!) outdoor spaces, like fenced-in backyards.


  • Tips on preparing for where you’ll move to, because preparing your house for sale also means preparing yourself to move.
  • Thoughts on what to repair or renovate and where to draw the line.
  • A series of follow-up emails with even more thoughtful tips, hints, and resources, only available if you have downloaded the booklet.
  • What you should do with buyer’s shoes (other than ask them to remove them as they walk through the house).
  • Things to think about if you have pets.


https://bestrealestateblog.com/get-home-sellers-guide/eKGAQLWqqESNRwHtlugd/361363Here’s the thing, if you do too little you could leave money on the table — or worse, not sell your house at all. On the other hand, if you do too much, you could lose time or money on things that don’t have a good return on investment.

Which is why I created this free guide to help you prepare your house just the right amount.

This booklet is a quick read, and it’s filled with over a dozen topics you can implement with just a little time and effort. (In fact, it will even save you time and effort.)

Whether you want to sell in a few weeks, or a few years, this guide will help you prepare your house to sell as quickly as possible and for top dollar.

Just tell me where to send it below!

And don’t worry…

• There’s no obligation.
• I won’t hound you to work with me.
• It’s totally free.
• I will never share your information with anyone.

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