The results are in: the best long-term investment you can make? Real Estate.

Each year, Gallup surveys Americans to find out what they believe to be the best investment options for building long-term wealth. And in their most recent survey, Americans overwhelmingly chose real estate, making this the fifth year in a row real estate tops the list.

Thirty-four percent of Americans surveyed chose real estate as the best long-term investment option for building wealth, which is nearly ten percentage points ahead of the next investment choice on the list, stocks (which came in at 26%).

The results of the Gallup survey, and the fact that real estate has been chosen as Americans’ top investment choice for five years running is a clear indicator that faith in the real estate market has bounced back since the Great Recession (when gold was a much more popular investment option).

The Takeaway

With consumer confidence clearly indicating stability in the market, there’s never been a better time to purchase a home—and make a long-term investment in your future.


How about doing even better than that and buying it at the best price possible?

Then you should download your free copy of my booklet “The Ultimate Home Buyer’s Guide”.

Most people think finding the home of their dreams just sort of happens…

Like they’ll “know it when they see it,” or it’ll be love at first site. Sometimes that happens. But a lot of times, homebuyers miss out on great homes because they make some really common mistakes.

Finding and actually getting the best house for your wants and needs (let alone at the best possible price!) isn’t as simple as just being in the market, finding it, putting it in a shopping cart, and heading to the checkout.

There’s quite a bit to the process.

My buyer’s guide will demystify the process and give you a no-fluff, in-between-the-lines look at things most buyers either simply ignore, or don’t realize. (Even some agents don’t know some of the things I cover in this booklet.)

download your free copy of my booklet “The Ultimate Home Buyer’s Guide”.