Where do YOU Want to Live? How do YOU Want to Live?

Renting in the Phoenix-area and Unsure if you should buy?

Ugh, your landlord just raised the rent hundreds of dollars at lease renewal time. You may be asking yourself “maybe I should look into buying”. Here’s a list of some benefits home ownership offers compared to continuing to rent.

Here’s some benefits of buying a home instead of continuing to rent:

  • Tax Breaks!

    • You might get to itemize deductions, write off mortgage interest and other things.
  • Equity and Financial Gains

    • What you’re used to paying in rent now pays down your mortgage, giving you equity and financial gains owing less than your home is worth!
  • Stable and Predictable Payments

    • You’ll no longer have those crazy rent increases landlords hit you with. You’ll know your payment…for the next 30 years!
  • Yard for your furry (and two-legged) Kids

    • Yes, a yard is great for children, but also, are Fido or fluffy a factor in your life? A yard, a doggy door or a great catio make a world of difference in their quality of life!
  • Garage…yes!

    • Having a place to store your second-biggest investment (your car) is nice, so is the space to do hobbies, have extra storage and craft!

Next, we will discuss what is needed to be ready to buy and some misconceptions of what is required to buy.  Would you like to talk about your options?  Book some time with me and we’ll figure it out…TOGETHER!

Does Owning A Home Make More Sense Than Renting?

Sometimes renting makes more sense. Sometimes buying does.

The answer to this really depends on who you are, how you live, and what your long-term plans are.  


  • Why you shouldn’t just follow whatever your friends are doing.
  • Why cutting down on your daily lattes (or anything else you love) may not be a smart thing to do to save up for a downpayment.
  • How some people get unwillingly and unknowingly “hooked” on renting.
  • What an older person might tell you about buying versus renting…based upon a loaf of bread.
  • Thoughts on the different ways buying or renting will cost you that many people never consider.
  • Bonus: A series of follow-up emails with more thoughtful tips, hints, and resources, only available if you have downloaded the booklet.

Some just buy a home because they feel it’s “what you’re supposed to do.” They don’t even question whether or not it makes sense for them.

On the other hand, some people don’t buy a home because they feel it’s something they aren’t qualified to do, can’t handle, or have heard other people say it doesn’t make sense to do.

It’s a quick read, and it’s filled with over a dozen thought-provoking topics. It makes sense for you to read this if you:
•  Question the value of owning a home.
•  Have never owned a home.
•  Owned a home, but went back to renting due to past financial issues.
•  Simply want to think through which scenario (owning vs. renting) makes more sense.

If you’d like a free copy of my booklet, just let me know where to send it by entering your information below.
And don’t worry…

•  There’s no obligation.
•  I won’t hound you to work with me.
•  It’s totally free.
•  I will never share your information with anyone.


I’m DeDe Forwood, Phoenix-Area REALTOR® with HomeSmart. On my Channel, social media and Blog, I discuss Homes for sale, what’s sold, what’s coming, neighborhoods, home types, home-selling options and such. I love to educate on the home buying and selling process in the Phoenix-Arizona area and provide pertinent market updates . I cover where you want to live and HOW you want to live. I also cover the best food, fun, festivals, neighborhoods and living life to the fullest in the Valley of the sun! You can learn more here: https://DeDeForwood.com Want to know your home’s monthly wealth snapshot? Go here: https://hmbt.co/zFqbEx Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about buying a home, getting a 2nd home/vacation home, or investing in Phoenix real estate, or living the Phoenix life! I’m happy to help! Let me know how I can help you make your Arizona Home Dreams come true. Where do you want to live? How do you want to live?


Call/Text: 480-818-9391

Website: https://www.DeDeForwood.com
Email: DeDe@DeDeForwood.com


𝙇𝙚𝙩’𝙨 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖

YouTube: https://www.dedeforwood.com/YouTube

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DeDeForwood

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/DeDeForwood


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