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Don’t Fall In Love With A House Before You Are Ready To Fully Commit

Finding the house of your dreams might seem pretty easy. You know what you want and like. You feel like you will know the perfect house when you see it. The minute you find “the one”, it will be love at first sight. It will just feel right, like it was meant to be. Kind of like the notion of finding your soulmate. Back in the day, finding your ideal house or soulmate was a lot...

3 Financial Resolutions To Make If You Want To Buy A Home In The New Year

The new year is here, and many people are starting to think seriously about their Resolutions. And while the most popular resolutions aren’t going anywhere (eat healthy, work out, spend less time in front of a screen), if you’re looking to buy a home next year, a few of your resolutions should be of the financial variety. Starting the new year off on the right financial foot by...

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