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Day 2 of the 31-Day Declutter Challenge – Hall Closet

Day 2 31 Day Declutter CHallenge Hall closet

Welcome to Day 2 of DeDe Anne Realtor’s 31-day declutter challenge! Today we’re tackling the hall closet! Ready to take the challenge and clear the clutter? Here are some pro tips from Phoenix-Area Professional Organizers Jessica and Craig at Addicted to Clean:

  • Take everything out and have a table where you can refold towels and linen.
  • Placing a basket sideways and rolling your towels and placing them inside is a different way of storing towels.
  • Just choose one way of folding that maximizes space and stick with it.
  • This is a good time to look for stains on bedding and towels. They can be recycled into home rags for cleaning or painting projects.
  • Baskets or plastic bins are helpful if you are storing items like small hand towels, toiletries, first aid, toilet paper, etc.
  • Labels at the front help with faster retrieval and putting back.
  • Like items with like items and have your donation bin near by.
  • Gallon size bags are a good way to get small items ready for donation.
  • Keep in mind: How many towels and bed sheets do I really need?
  • Do these match my taste still?
  • Two sets of bedding for one bed should be enough.
  • One to make the bed while the other is in the wash.
  • Two sets of towels for each bathroom should be enough plus a nice set for guests.

“Just remember to maximize your space and have fun through the process. Try to stay within two hours. Your organizing mood may start to fail.”

Jessica and Craig Addicted to Clean LLC

Need pro organizing help? You can contact Addicted to clean. You can also DM them on social media.

Joining us on the challenge? Comment here or DM me for a calendar of what we’re tackling next!

Post your pics, here or on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest with the hashtag #31DayClutterChallenge We’d love to see them!

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