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31-Day Declutter Challenge – Under the Bed…

Under the bed

The doorbell rings and company is here….some of us do a furious run around the home tucking stuff away so the home looks more presentable. One of the places that ends up with this stuff is…under the bed.


It’s not just for winter storage any more! In preparation for today, I pulled everything out from under the bed and had half a dog toy, one flip flop and 1 earring amongst the usual things.


Let’s get started

So let’s get to today’s part of the challenge, clearing under the beds. Here are today’s tips from the Professional Organizers at Addicted to Clean LLC in the Phoenix area…

Good Morning 🙂

Those dust bunnies love under the bed. This is a good time to vacuum and dust behind your bed too.

Maybe your bed needs a little more support underneath. Under the bed is a good place to store things.

Storage bins and plastic or cloth sacks help too.

Ask yourself do I really need to keep this? Pass it along if the answer is no. 

jessica and Craig Chernick – Professional Organizers – Addicted to Clean LLC – Phoenix, AZ

Bonus points!

I’m going for bonus points this challenge and doing under the guest-bed too! So That’s where last year’s holiday wrapping paper went!

Too much for you?

Is this all too much? Does your home require a pro and then you can maintain? Contact Addicted to Clean via their website or DM today for your consultation.

Just joining us?

Just joining our 31-day Declutter challenge? Welcome! Feel free to comment here, contact me or DM me on Facebook or Instagram to get a copy of our daily calendar! The plan is to tackle one small area in the house per day for 31 days. Join us!

See you tomorrow!

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