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31 Day Declutter challenge sock Drawer Day DeDe Anne Realtor presented by Addicted to Clean

31 Day Declutter Challenge – Sock Drawer

Hello, and welcome to the 31-Day Declutter challenge. Each day we pick one small portion of the house and clear the clutter. Today, we're tackling the sock drawer. Personally, I have singles in there, I have tights in there that should be made into rags/ gotten rid of. I'm excited about today. Pro-Tips This Challenge is sponsored by DeDe Anne Forwood Phoenix Realtor and the Phoenix-area...

DeDe Anne Realtor DeDe Forwood Phoenix Real Estate New Build New Construction


This free booklet will empower you to make the right decision for your particular situation. It will also reveal how to prevent the builder from taking advantage of you. If you’re thinking about buying a new construction house, please, PLEASE make sure you grab a copy of my booklet before just popping in to check out a builder’s model home or development. It seems harmless enough, and it...

prepare your home for sale DeDe Forwood Phoenix Realtor AZ Real Estate Agent

How to Prepare your Phoenix Area House for Sale

You’d be surprised how often I walk into a Phoenix- area house with buyer clients and we turn to each other and say something like, “Are they trying to NOT sell this house?” via GIPHY Lots of homeowners just put their house on the market without preparing it properly. It’s not my job to care about the houses I show to buyers; we can just move on to the next one. But I always want my...

Does Renting or buying make more sense for you? Find out in this free guide from DeDe Forwood Realtor in Phoenix

Should I rent or Buy?

TRUE or FALSE: It makes more sense to buy a home than to rent one..... Sorry, that’s a trick question. There’s no right or wrong answer to this debate. But I’ve noticed a decent amount of people lately who feel renting a home makes more sense than buying. While a lot of real estate agents would probably say that, hands down, BUYING makes more sense, I feel like it really depends upon the...

Declutter challenge Day 5- coffee table. Declutter challenge by DeDe Anne Realtor and Adicted to Clean

Coffee Table- 31 Day DeClutter Challenge- Day 5

31-Day Declutter Challenge- Day 5 Coffee table...Some coffee tables/ sofa tables have a sclupture and 2 art books on them. Some are a little more clutter. Others still are so covered, you can't see table! So today (Day 5), we're tackling the coffee table (or sofa table, side tables, TV desk or entry table, wherever you need it). Are you ready to get started? Here are some great pro tips from the...

31-Day DeClutter Challenge

31-Day DeClutter Challenge- Day 1…Junk Drawer

We've all got one. That one drawer that ends up with everything from bobby pins to markers to that button that fell off to weed whacker string! Well, today is the day to get a handle on that, so... Welcome to Day 1 of the 31-Day DeClutter Challenge, Day 1...Junk Drawer. Our goal is to use the tips and tricks from the Professional Organizers at Addicted to Clean to get our junk drawer organized and...

31 day declutter challenge

31 Day Declutter Challenge

Who needs resolutions when we can do a challenge! Do you need to cut the clutter around your home? How about a 31-day decluttering challenge. Comment here, use my contact form or DM me for a calendar of our daily projects and join me every day for a video with tips and tricks from the professional organizers at Addicted to clean! The goal is to spend 15-30 minutes a day clearing the clutter...

Crowdfunding AZ Real Estate

Crowdfunding For Home Purchases On The Rise

For many potential buyers, one of the biggest obstacles on the road to homeownership is saving for a down payment. But thanks to a new technology trend, some savvy buyers are turning to their friends, family, and social networks for help. While crowdfunding has long been a popular trend,  until recently it’s been mostly limited to the business world. But according to a recent article in The Wall...

First-Time Buyer Interest Strong Despite Rising Interest Rates

Interest rates are rising. According to Freddie Mac, the current rate for a 30-yr fixed mortgage is 4.81%, which is up a nearly a full percentage point from a year ago. While some were concerned the rising interest rates would have a negative impact on the market, particularly with first-time homebuyers, it looks as if the changes in interest rates are doing little to dampen buyer demand. According to...

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